Federation Fairies Blog

Heirlooms in the Making

Quilt  Blocks      Federation Fairies in partnership with the Australian Museum of Design Exclusive first release of 44 quilt blocks order direct from   AMoD Embroidery Society (australianmuseumdesign.com.au)

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Our fairies made new friends

Federation Fairies has joined forces with the Australian Museum of Design   My journey with the Federation Fairies has been a delight. Meeting creative and fantastic people from all

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Everyone Needs a Hero

Adding to the Collection.  Marvellous Margaret Clark’s illustration was auctioned in Sydney last month.  Pleased to say it is in good hands.

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Treasures for Life

Imagination  &  Inspiration Margaret Clark had a unique and instantly recognizable style. Many of her works have been retained within the families of the original purchasers for three generations. This wonderful

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Your New Year’s Resolution

My New Year’s Resolution To make more time to stay in contact with family & friends. This last couple of years have limited  face to face contact with loved

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Many of Margaret’s wonderful illustrations have gone into overseas collections. We would so love to see those sold at this exhibition!  We hope you enjoyed reading this article as

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